Sun Cycle Sayings: Sole Exolvuntur Dictis Volume I and II
Sun Cycle Sayings: Sole Exolvuntur Dictis are collections of short affirmations and poetic writings I’m sharing in the hopes of offering a moment of introspection and a reminder of your innate worth. I write as one of my methods to tune in to the morning, to create a primer for my day, so the pages don’t follow a classic format or structure, they are each their own.
I kept the entries separated as they were written, by day, and curated and edited the bulk of them. Some of the pages are short and sweet, and some are a little longer with ideas to ponder. We all know that if we work each day to build a vibrant and well-oriented inner world by having clear intentions, goals, and reminders of those intentions, we can create focus and tenacity internally. We then begin to cultivate a gratitude-based mindset that releases tension and fear.
When we act with intention and look at our reactions to life, we begin to give ourselves back the power we so often give away to circumstance. I hope Sun Cycle Sayings can remind you of your inner strength and ability to create clarity inside your heart and mind with a simple statement.
By the way, as an artist, I enthusiastically encourage creativity mixed with repetition. And your morning is like a mystical key to your ENTIRE day! So take a few seconds and write your own daily affirmations and intentions! Or you could;
Do a minute of meditation or yoga!
Set an attainable goal, or two, for the day for an earned feeling of fulfillment!
Read a page from Sun Cycle Sayings!
Give yourself the attention and intention you deserve. These seeds of attunement are just the beginning of the bountiful ever-unfolding life that awaits us all from within our hearts.